Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Regeneration a work of Grace

It is most common in our churches, and amongst believers, that the accepted way for a non-believer to 'become a Christian' is by 'accepting Christ'. This is usually preceded by a simple message that Christ died for their sins, and has opened the way for them to heaven. Promises of peace and God's blessings are usually mentioned as anticipatory following this 'decision'. In different ways, this scene is played out and the emphasis is clearly that apart from the decision of the non-believer, he or she cannot be a Christian.

In other words, unless the non-believer makes the final 'decision' to 'accept Christ', he or she is not a believer. Wow! An eternal decision with huge earthly ramifications is actually taken out of God's hands. 'Salvation belongs to our God' becomes only a song we sing.

The 'Christian' now moves on to be 'discipled' in the church. He or she is exhorted to attend bible-study, prayer-meeting, Sunday worship (but of course!) and a host of other 'ministries'. A precious few actually encounter the Lord in a genuine 'born-again' encounter. Many fade away into a semi-oblivion state of mere church attendance without any signs of fruit spoken of by Jesus as indicative of His true disciples.

So what went wrong? God's grace was conspicuously missing!

Firstly, the person was not confronted by his or her utter state of rebellion against God. Paul speaks of this hostility embedded in the hearts of non-believers prior to regeneration or being made alive with Christ as new creation. This person was not confronted with God's sovereignty.

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