In the souls of men (and women of course), there is an insatiable thirst. A desire, even, a need to be significant, to be important, to achieve a name and fame for themselves. A need for power, a need to be. Where did these desires and needs come from?
Evolution says time, and chance created all these desires and needs. It comes across ridiculous just to state this proposition from naturalists, as they are known. The naturalistic response is simply too simplistic, and to use a post-modern word, too reductionist.
Perhaps, the greater tragedy to find that this desire and need is the source of so much unhappiness and conflict in the very place where the answer is supposed to be found - the church of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ IS the answer to the insatiable thirst of men. In His gospel contained in John, chapter 7, verses 36-38, Jesus says, 'Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. 38"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" 39But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive'.
The amazing truth, so amazing that one cannot engage or receive it through natural means, is that God has come down to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. And Jesus' very name, 'Emmanuel', means God with us. And more than just with us, the Scriptures proclaim that God has always meant to take up residence within the hearts of His elect ones in Christ Jesus.
This indwelling of the Godhead, through Christ Jesus, is that very fountain of life, which supplies what the souls of men yearn for, eternal and ecstasy of God's very presence, through His Son indwelling our hearts, by His Spirit.
And even more amazing, this amazing supply is available daily - 'give us today, daily, our daily bread. Jesus Himself is this daily bread, available to us by faith. And wonder of wonders! Even faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ preached to listeners who will listen. It remains our responsibility to listen to Christ preached and taught. And the very hearing of Christ preached and taught, by God's sheer abundance of grace and mercy, quickens the souls of men, with the engrafted word of Christ producing a new heart and a new spirit, and enabling men and women, by faith, which is part of God's gift of salvation, to believe upon the Name of Christ, and in that instant, to be made, purely by His grace, a 'new creation' in union with Christ.
Christ more than satisfies, continually, daily! And in Him, we are able to do all things. We face the challenges of life, through His faith in us, being more than conquerors.
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