Believers, surely as taught by their pastors, who themselves were taught by bible school lecturers, think that the gospel is a feature of Christianity which has its own compartment, quite like, say, prayer and intercession, bible ready, church attendance, good works, ministry, service and the like.
Recently, after a powerful encounter with the preaching of the Gospel, chiefly through the preaching of Pas Tim Keller, and often reinforced by Pas Brian Borgman and Michael Horton, I've come to the very, very strong conviction that if the gospel is to be only a compartment in the life of the church, and in the life of the individual believer, that is a sure recipe for stunted growth, and all sorts of error.
I am beginning to see, to realize that the gospel is indeed an over-arching metanarrative which truly encompasses all of life. However, I also have from reading the Judeo-Christian Scriptures (both the Old and New Testaments), come to this conclusion, and especially after comparing the theology of the kingdom of God, to see this 'metanarrative' is more than sufficient to meet whatever is thrown against it. And I see and do realize that this is because the very Person of Jesus Christ stands before and behind the gospel. Without the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the doctrine of the gospel degenerates into merely doctrine, which can, I suppose from Paul's writings, become the very letter which kills!
In recent times, the message, the person and the life of the gospel has gripped me. My experience walking with God has been completely revolutionized. My joy level, and especially my grace level has been so consistent that I have been amazed myself. And I know this has absolutely NOTHING to do with my human nature self. No, it has ALL to do with a 'born-again' (John 3:3) experience by the power of God's Spirit working on God's Word into my heart. Indeed, one who is born of God has God's seed in him, and cannot sin. Cannot sin in that he or she does not have an appetite for sin. Yet, temptations remain real. However, when one is born-again, one is born into union with Christ. This union with Christ includes forgiveness of sin, removal of sin's curse, healing of a fallen mind and spirit, and the giving of an 'alien' righteousness, the very righteousness of God, given as a gift to all who respond to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the even more stupendous thing is that this awesome gospel of Christ Jesus brings a believer into a place where if he or she so chooses, as enabled and empowered by the Spirit of grace, he or she can experience the love of Christ in ever deepening, ever heightened, ever vast and ever lengthier glory!
This encounter with the living Christ produces a satisfaction, a rest, a delight, an ecstasy which even beats sex! This relationship of faith with the living Christ produces strength, comfort and courage to face whatever challenges may come my way. This glorious engagement with the very Son of God, through His Spirit, gives much motivation to love others as He loved us.
So, how can such a glorious gospel be only part of the furniture of the church? Why don't pastors, preachers and teachers, as well as evangelists, actually preach the gospel of Christ? Why don't they study the Gospel, and see how the awesome Christ impacts all of life?
O Lord, I beseech Thee, send to us in Malaysia, a gospel-initiated and gospel-sustained revival of epic proportions in Malaysia!
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