Thursday, February 21, 2013

Handling the 'yucky-ness' of life

I have been enjoying a daily dose of grace since grace found me and I responded to grace, and began to receive grace upon grace. And mind you, this grace comes straight from Jesus' heart. It comes with simple asking. And once this grace comes to you, all you ever want is more of Jesus, and His grace. This grace is mediated by His Spirit, a generous gift of the Father, given through Christ's supreme sacrifice for you and me.

And still, because we are yet fallen, though redeemed and being redeemed in the grace of sanctification, and surrounded by a fallen creation, groaning as Paul puts it in Romans chapter 8, we are not immune to perplexity, troubles and trials. They come from external agents, namely, the 'fiery darts of the devil', and it also comes from external demands placed upon our physiology and psychology. And we will feel the effects, because as much as we are 'seated with Christ in heavenly realms', we are yet with 'feet of clay'. And so we need to deal with these moments. And wondrously, the Lord has provided provisions for us here too. Whenever we feel the heat of trials and tribulations, we go running to Christ, our Good Shepherd. And as He said, for whoever who puts their trust in Him, who believe in Him, out of their bellies, will flow 'rives of living water'. And the apostle John writing this in his gospel, in chapter seven, goes on to comment that this cry of Jesus was with reference to the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the 'parakletos', the One who would come alongside every believer of Jesus, and make manifest the presence of Jesus.

And that was what I experienced this morning. It had been a difficult past few days. A bit of a backlash from the enemy after a successful preaching and sharing on Sunday. There were difficult moments in the family. There were difficult moments financially. They were difficult moments of stress of work and its demands. And when in simple faith, as led by His sweet Spirit of grace, I went to Him in prayer this morning, in the quietness of my office-room, He was faithful. He again supplied fresh mercy and grace which strengthened me with might according to His Spirit in my inner man. I was comforted. I was cheered by His grace. I was lifted up with His cross which took all my inadequacies and blessed me with His righteousness. The gospel of Christ, and His finished work of salvation through the cross and resurrection, which secures our justification, His gift to us, is 'more than enough' to meet every trial and tribulation.

"Dear Lord, I pray for every soul which You may bring across this blog. Bless them with Your grace. Let their hearts be opened to Your grace. Let their inner understanding be receptive to Your amazing salvation. Let them come to Jesus, the Anointed One of God, who alone can take away their sin, their offence, and impute to them, all His righteousness with all its benefits. Fill them with Your peace as they give You their restlessness. Give them Your meaning in this senseless world. Bless them with the pure water of the Spirit in a saving relationship with the Son."

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