Saturday, January 11, 2014

Churches populated with non-Christians trying to be Christians

My basic point in this article is to attempt to show, through Scripture, that many churches are populated with non-Christians who think and believe that they are Christians. Perhaps the problem begins with the word, 'Christian'. Over the centuries, the label 'Christian' has been attached to anyone with any sort of allegiance to anything remotely associated with external symbols of what is construed as the Christian faith.

When we take our cue from Scripture though, we find only three occurrences of this word (Acts 26:28; 1 Pet 4:16; Acts 11:26 - sourced through And in these three occurrences, the word Christian meant someone who believed in Christ to the exclusion of everything else, and who's life demonstrated this belief in Christ as God and Savior of the world. This belief commenced with Scriptural revelation, was sustained by a living faith in Christ through His Spirit, and was expected a consumation through the very same Christ (Phil 1:6). Jesus is not referred to as the 'Author' and 'Finisher' of our faith for no reason (Heb 2:10; 5:9; 12:2).

Again and again, in the New Testament, we read of these same Christians who lived such outstanding lives, even to the extent of laying down that life for the sake of their God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Clearly that sort of quality is missing from our churches and 'Christian' communities today. I can tell you of colleagues, who in spite of knowing that there is a Christian Fellowship in the work-place, does not make ANY effort at all to know more about it, let alone to attend and be 'shining lights in a perverse and adulterous generation' (Phil 2:15).

You and I both know of so many who believe that they are 'Christians', but who's life-style is in direct opposition to holiness.

So what gives?

Could it be that the very pulpits of our land are staffed by men and women who are not themselves genuine Christians?

Ultimately, the question which begs asking is, 'what justifies you before God?' From beginning to end, this is the question which demands a response. What is the beginning of the Christian life? What sustains it? What completes or perfects it?

And at the very onset, the reality of God's sovereignty, and of His sovereign grace is not known, understood or truly believed in from the pulpits of our land. Once this truth is known, understood and truly believed in from the whole corpus of Scripture, then, and only then, is an individual faced with the enormity of their culpability before a Hallowed God.

God will be God. If the human thinks that he or she can believe in a 'god' of their own making, through the figment of their own imagination, then, that is only an 'image' of God and a caricature, and not a true reflection of the majesty of God as revealed by Himself, through Scriptures.

Ultimately, the true test of a Christian is whether he or she believes that God, in Christ was reconciling the world to Himself. And that God has chosen the second member of the Triune God, Jesus Christ, as the sole provider of salvation for the whole world. And the way to Christ is the leaving behind of everything which we think justifies us. Once we allow God Himself, through the revelation of His blinding and searing Holy and Majestic Sovereignty, face us squarely with the knowledge of our utter depravity in the flesh and sin, are we able, by His grace to receive His gracious salvation, made possible by the sacrifice of His Son.

The glorious message of Christ Jesus is that He Himself is the Justifier of the ungodly. He Himself IS the Good News of Salvation. He is the King of the Kingdom, and all the rag-tags of humankind need only look to Him for salvation. And in an amazing moment in time, which would then span all eternity, the King has condescended to receive these poor, bankrupt, miserable sinners into His fellowship; the very fellowship of His kingly majesty.

And all this simply motivated by His great love wherewith He loved us, and so, out of mercy and love, He Himself provided the solution - His Son, as the sacrifice for our sins, pride and rebellion.

What do we bring to Him? Zilch!

And what do we bring to Him upon His salvation of us? Zilch!

From beginning to end, it is all of grace (Spurgeon). When will this message ring out clearly, again and again, from the pulpits of our land?

Jesus clearly showed His disciples when He rose from the dead that all Scriptures pointed to Him, suffering so that He may enter His glory. This means that every part of Scripture is choice material to exposit Christ and His glorious work of salvation. Paul speaks of the wideness, length, depth and height of Christ's love which surpasses knowledge (Eph 3:17). Can any preacher or bible teacher say honestly that he or she can exhaust such material?

Christ Jesus, His Person, and His work of justification is more than sufficient for sermons and messages for all eternity. Perhaps that's why we have so many churches populated with non-Christians trying to be Christians. They have never heard this message of the all encompassing Christ, His Person and His work of salvation, of union with Christ, of grace, of faith, all unto His glory alone. Perhaps that's why the heaviest indictments in Scripture by God, and Christ, are towards false prophets and false teachers. Their condemnation and judgement is the heaviest.

May God truly raise up preachers and teachers of His word who will preach and teach the central message of Christ, His kingdom gospel, of justification, of God's sovereignty, fearlessly and without favor of any man.

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