Begins with God and ends with God.
So where does human nature and human will come in?
Firstly, human nature and human will was no match for the serpent in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3). The serpent first seized out the woman, to know and understand where she stood in God's scheme of things. Then, he first got her to talk, which then caused her to add to God's directive ('nor touch it'), and finally, blatantly he mixed truth with error, and our first parents fell.
That is how the serpent, satan, the devil, has ALWAYS gone about in his devices to ensure God's elect fall, and the plot line has not altered one bit!
Today, the thinking, belief and practice is that fallen, human, and sinful Adam's children, can 'decide for Christ', and merely say the 'sinner's prayer', and they are saved! And when the genesis of salvation begins this way, with fallen, human, and sinful Adam's children thinking that within their own fallen and sinful nature lay the strength of will to decide for Christ, they then fall into the counterfeit of faith - an empty faith, which then causes untold misery to the so-called Christian, which often-times causes discouragement and despondency, and depression, with the ultimate fruit being lack-lustre and weak evidence of belief in Christ and His promises, and a life-style not unlike an unbeliever.
See, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, do you have any other ideas what this 'thing' may be other than a duck?
So, if you are attending a 'church' where it is all about the 'church's' agenda to 'win souls', engage in loads of 'feel-good' activities, have 'praise and worship' devoid of devotion unto Jesus, and if apart from this 'church' service, your life is determined by your moods, emotions and feelings, and of course, your own will, what makes you think that you are a believer, born of God? When the world revolves around you, you and you, what makes you think you are a 'doulos' of Christ? When you exalt so called 'free-will' in opposition to a will bound to Christ, how are you a Christian according to the biblical witness?
Remember, the day will come when Christ will separate the sheep from the goats. So I say to all who are attending goat-pens, leave today, whilst it is still called today, and do not harden your heart, as in the wilderness. Heb chapter 3 says that their corpses rotted in the desert, and God was not pleased with them because of unbelief. And faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the WORD! And this WORD is Christ Jesus preached, taught and obeyed 100%. Only by repeated exposure to the blessed gospel of Christ Jesus, will faith and repentance come, along with love, all a gracious work of God and His Spirit in bringing grace to us and having Jesus revealed to us.
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