Saturday, September 21, 2013

The 'Chin Peng' controversy

The Malaysian Insider ( headlined,

'MCA, Putrajaya on collision course over Chin Peng’s ashes'

The facts of the matter is that Chin Peng was head of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM). Why the controversy of his ashes? The arguments for and against bringing back his ashes have been laid out. 

Ideologically, CPM's values stands directly contrary to everything Malaysian quasi-democractic quasi-Islamic values stand for. Chin Peng fought and killed Malaysian police, military and civilians under these values. Should his ashes be brought back? At the same time, ashes of two Malaysian terrorists were allowed to be brought back, even though they were wanted terrorists who caused great shame to the nation of their birth.

Finally, the government of Najib has to have some really good reasons to allow or disallow CP's ashes to be brought back. Either way, they will get slack. And knowing how the current leadership work, they will be hoping that the brouhaha over this matter will soon end... This should not take any right thinking Malaysian by surprise. Our current crop of so-called 'leaders' have demonstrated the inability to make principled decisions, again and again. So expect more of the repeated low-quality decision in this matter as well.

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