Friday, February 8, 2013

Gospel is the 'power of God' for daily living

Rom 5:10  For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. (KJV, e-sword, Myers)

I could have read this verse so many times in my 35 years as a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, but it was only when my 'mind was opened' by the Lord sometime early last year, that this truth started to become so real within the whole scope of salvation in Christ Jesus.

The scope of salvation, as the Apostle Paul understands it, is contained in his prayer for the Ephesian church (and to all assemblies of Christ to the present day), in verses 18 and 19 of chapter 3 of the same, "the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God."

My burden is that the gospel of Christ Jesus, in its fullness. is thoroughly sufficient for a believer to find all the resources required to live the life Christ promised in John 10:10, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. "

The abundant life is not achieved through some additional and special revelation, but is thorouglhy grounded in the gospel of Christ Jesus. In union with Christ, as is the theme of Paul's letter to the Ephesian churches, is where we are going to find 'abundant life'. Perhaps this issue of the "abundant life" is so clouded and confused because so many teachers and preachers have put the onus on the believer to DO something to ACHIEVE this, instead of resting in Christ's completed work at the cross and His resurrection.

Which brings us back to this verse in Rom 5:10. "For when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His son..." This verse is saying that when mankind, which includes you and I, were in a state of direct hostility with God, also echoed in Eph 2:14, God, in His mercy, and in His great love for us, even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us with Christ.

So the apostle Paul is saying, 'Imagine! Whilst we were in direct enmity with God, He gave His Son as the atonement and expiation for our sins." And the second part of Rom 5:10 then goes on to say, "much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. "

Here is where the gospel of our Lord and Savior becomes extremely applicable for daily living, or what the theologians would term, 'sanctification'. Here is where I think the church's preachers and teachers have failed quite badly. I speak also for myself as one who is active in the teaching and preaching ministry gifts.

I think I have failed very badly to connect every single topic I preach and teach to its foundation in the gospel of Christ Jesus. Especially, as this verse in Romans declares, the amazing doctrine of God's righteousness in Christ Jesus, appropriated by faith. The doctrine which Martin Luther in the 16th century said, "This doctrine [justification by faith] is the head and the cornerstone. It alone begets, nourishes, builds, preserves, and defends the church of God; and without it the church of God cannot exist for one hour…. For no one who does not hold this article – or, to use Paul's expression, this 'sound doctrine' (Titus 2:1) – is able to teach aright in the church or successfully to resist any adversary . . . this is the heel of the Seed that opposes the old serpent and crushes its head. That is why Satan, in turn, cannot but persecute it."

There are restless souls in our assemblies. There are souls desperately wanting the water of life which only comes through faith in Christ Jesus' completed work on the cross and His resurrection. Unfortunately, preachers and teachers of God's word are sending these believers on many a wild goose chase! There are seminars and conferences on all kinds of topics from the bible, and yet, I ask you to check yourself, how many of these seminars and conferences are guilty of exalting a doctrine or position apart from Christ Jesus? Especially His life, death on the cross and resurrection?

This precious verse says that 'MUCH MORE, having been reconciled". Many a believer needs to hear this message that their sins have been covered by the blood of Jesus, and that they are reconciled solely by the grace of God. This grace has been communicated by the gospel of Christ preached faithfully. This preached word, when believed, produces faith to believe on Him who is preached. This gospel word is the 'power of God unto salvation' (Rom 1:16).

Being the power of God unto salvation is our secret!

Salvation was wrought for us in Christ. Salvation is being wrought for us through Christ's life, His resurrected life now! Salvation will be wrought for us finally at the day of the Lord in glorification.

The faithful exposition of the gospel, using the whole breadth, length, depth and height of Scriptures, will produce faith in the ears of the listeners, especially when bathed in prayer, and under the unction of the Holy Spirit. This is what the Apostle Paul admonished Timothy to be faithful in his ministry, 1 Tim 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee."

There are hungry hearts out there, longing for the River of Life which is contained in Christ Jesus, and made available through the preaching of the gospel of Christ Jesus. At the heart of the gospel is Jesus, and at the heart of Jesus, is His grace for fallen and rebellious sinners. And that includes the many who make their way to the pews of the church every week. Our hearts, though touched by His grace of salvation, is still bent with sin. Our hearts need to hear the matchless love of God in Christ, again and again, and again. Every time we hear and respond to the gospel of Christ through the width, length, depth and height of Scriptures' testimony of Christ, we are led by His Spirit to be crucified daily, so that the life of Christ, in His resurrection power and glory may be made manifest in us. 

May we continually and earnestly seek His face. Every thing our hearts desire can be found in the Christ of the Gospel. Be encouraged to seek Him whist He can be found. In Christ Jesus is 'unsearchable riches' (Eph 3:8).

Only Christ and His grace can satisfy the desperate loneliness, isolation, fragmentation and inquiry of the human heart. Only Christ's resurrection power can deal 'human nature' a mortal blow, and in substitution, give us His divine nature (2 Pet 1:3&4), to enjoy!

Come to Christ! Come to the Living Word of God, and find that which your heart was always longing for!

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