Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The 'LOST' Gospel of Christ

The Gospel is truly lost! If the gospel as preached by Jesus, His disciples, the early church, the early church fathers, Augustine, lost in the middle ages, and then resurrected by Zwingli, Luther and Calvin, then, truly this gospel of Christ in its richness and accuracy is really, really lost in the modern church.

The gospel of the modern church is all about CHURCH! Attendance at church meetings and church activities take prominence. Rules after multiple rules about church attendance and church ministries is the name of the game. And the precious gospel of Christ, His person and His works, the grace of God shown through His riches of mercy in Christ's redemptive work for mankind is lost amidst the busyness of church frenzy.

The church desperately needs to get back to its HEAD! And to begin at the basics of getting into the width, the length, the depth and the height of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. It really, really needs to get back to being a child before the Father, and humbly receiving everything the Father has offered through the priceless Person and Works of Christ in the cross and resurrection.

Here's my question - when was the last time you heard a sermon which fully expounded the Gospel as the basis for Christian living? When was the last time you heard of God's grace being made continuously available through the merits of Christ's finished work at the cross, and His resurrection, for our daily living out of His plans and purposes in and through our lives?

When was the last time your heart was 'strangely warmed' ( Wesley )? When was the last time you experienced the peace of God which surpasses understanding? When did you last experience non-anxious moments? Or have we completely psychologized away all the clear directives of God's word about His sovereignty, His grace, His complete and completed work through Christ, and the awesome person and work of the Holy Spirit in mediating to us the subjective experience of this great objective truth?

O that the Lord our God, who is rich in mercy, grant to us, through His Son, and by the power of His Spirit, a gospel-initiated and gospel-sustained revival of epic proportions in our nation!


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