Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm back!

Hi ya people,
Looks like I'm going to re-start my blogging activities ... let's begin with some updates.

a. Effective 22 January 2010, I have been appointed as Acting Head of Department, American Degree Program, at HELP International College of Technology, currently located at Klang Parade in Meru, Klang, and soon to be relocated to Fraser's Business Park in Sungei Besi, Kuala Lumpur.

b. By May 2010, I will be stationed permanently ( barring any unforeseen circumstances! ), at HICT. Currently, I still teach at HELP University College, KL City Campus at Pusat Bandar Damansara. I teach Leadership, Management and Entrepreneurship courses, from a decidedly psychological perspective. I obtained my Master's in Social Science with an emphasis in Counseling from the University of South Australia in 2007 ( yup, I'm one of those 'late bloomers!' ).

c. I am also involved in ad-hoc Corporate Consultancy initiatives, with a focus on Training in soft-skills. There are some exciting deals in the making, and of which, I am not at liberty to disclose.

d. My eldest girl, Carissa, almost 18, will be joining HELP Foundation in April. She is a bright girl, deeply committed to the Lord, and a ponderer, which can sometimes make her seem absent-minded, but then again, what are parents there for?

e. My youngest, Rachel, almost 16, is still reeling from a sense of disappointment that her class, 4 Science 4, came out 3rd in the recently concluded choral speaking inter-class program held in her school, SMK St Mary, Kuala Lumpur. She's another bright girl, full of life, so full in fact, that she also comes across sometimes, a little absent-minded ... wouldn't trade both of them for anything in the world.

f. The love of life - my faithful companion of 22 years - Jessie - is as hot! as ever! She continues to keep my 'rushing-ness' in check. We recently went for a short break in Dorsett, Johor Baru ( compliments of her bro's lucky draw ), and had much fun together, apart from the initial traffic jam getting to the place.

g. Still worship leading and prayer leading at FGA Selayang, pastored by Pastors Rennie Tan and Jennifer Tan. Believing GOD for exciting things this year - a year of Harvest and Breakthrough. Making a positive difference in peoples' lifes.

So there, folks. Hope to keep this up.

Have a great holiday - let the tiger within roar for His glory!


Todd Montgomery said...

Hi Franklin,
Congratulations on restarting your blog. I encourage you to keep at it - though there are many, many channels available these days to publish one's writing, I find blogging especially liberating as a means of self-publishing and expression.
Harness the energy of the tiger this year - your post shows that you have many positive developments happening in your world, well worth sharing!

Anonymous said...

just came across your blog.

blogging is different from facebook
as more can be said through it.

keep up the "roaring" blogging


just added you via facebook
