Saturday, June 28, 2008

MyAID@HELP, Charity Aid Concert

It went well! The students did a really good job! Needless to say, Dr Goh Chee Leong, our Dean and Vice-President, and myself, were really proud of all the Leadership & Life Skills 101 class of May '08 semester.

As of 11.30pm that night, 27th June 2008, the students had raised up to RM10k and still rising! Well done all of you!

The concert was a resounding success because everyone turned up, and did their best to ensure the smooth running of this special event. Ms Gepamani and Ann of Ann's Cottage were also there, and just before the concert, at about 5pm, En Youseff Oomar and Joyce Wong of UNICEF Malaysia were there for the mock cheque handing over ceremony.

As soon as photographs are available, they'll be uploaded.

Once again, many many thanks to Adrian and team for pulling this off, all the performers who went out of their way to attend and present, and the team from Maintenance dept, and every single student who turned up and made this event a fantabulous success!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Franklin:)