“How PR can win GE14” (Franklin Morais, Senior Lecturer, Psychology & Organizational Leadership)
Yes, I know, the dust has barely settled over GE13. Yet, PR cannot afford even a day’s rest. It is back to the drawing board. And after two elections (GE12 and GE13), the strategy to Putrajaya is actually quite clear. Here is my proposal to whichever PR leader who is willing to read and consider it.
1. Leadership, leadership, leadership.
This election and the future showed clearly that the key issue is ultimately about good leadership. I define good leadership as leadership which considers universal values applicable to all men, regardless of religion and race. Good leadership is about positive communication and positive inter-personal skills. It is also about good leadership skills in delegating, public speaking, organization, collaboration, creative problem solving and reading the signs of the times.
It is time for PR’s old guard (AI, LKS, Hadi, Nik, and others) to spend the next 4 years developing PR’s leadership pipeline. And what an abundance of riches here! This election showed very powerfully, the appeal of young, energetic, gracious, and smart young leaders like Guan Eng, Hannah Yeoh, Rafizi, Nurul Izzah, Wong Chen, Surendren, and a host of other brilliant thinkers and workers who can charm the Malaysian electorate. The old guard can remain as advisors, but get out of the way of the new charges.
PR must work smart and hard to develop a powerful line of young leaders who are all on the same page. A page inscribed with the Rukun Negara (yes, the very same rukun we all had to learn by heart in school). And a page written with Malaysia’s future in it.
2. Members of Parliament of PR must keep with parliamentary and national issues. Display robust and creative thinking with the proposal of just and empowering legislature. Speak out on behalf of the people, and not merely your party. Make clear that Malaysians stand on the principles of Rukun Negara. And lead by example.
3. State Legislative Members (ADUN) must Serve, serve, and serve their constituencies. I was sad for my ADUN who lost. Though not of the same political affiliation, he worked hard, and was more seen than the party which won power this time around. ADUNs should stay away from power and politics, and serve the rakyat. The rakyat, especially in the smaller and more rural villagers must see your face, and your hands working for them. This is how PR will make inroads into BN’s bastions. Not just with mega rallies. Mega rallies give you the profile. But follow this up with service, service and more service to those who need them. ADUNs must be seen to be courageous in bringing communities together, and working towards racial integration. ADUNs must anticipate rather than be reactive to complaints only. And at all times, serve, serve and serve some more!
4. What about the state and parliamentary seats lost, and not captured by PR? Waste no time, but today, this week, this month, and this year, identify local leaders who already have a base among the local population, and get to work. Even though you lost, PR, let them see you work, week in and week out, month in and month out, and come GE14, you will win even the ‘white rajah’s’ domain.
5. GE14 is all for PR to lose. Do not take the rakyat for granted. Clearly, the urban and non-Malay is PR’s ‘fixed deposit’, but just you wait and sit on your laurels, and you will lose in GE14. Stand firm for issues close to the heart of all authentic Malaysians – the fight against corruption, greater equality in all spheres of society, freedom of religion, effective policing and enforcement, a transparent judiciary, a coherent education policy, and effective government. At the local level of state constituencies, serve, serve and serve.
6. And this is how PR will win GE14. Time is of the essence. Begin now. You have 51% of the population who thought hard and deep, and who cheered you on, and worked hard for you, and finally, voted for you. Begin now. You have 4 to 5 years to prepare. Should you lose GE14, it would be entirely your fault. It is not that you do not have the brilliant minds and hearts in your ranks. It is more that you chose to engage in politicking rather than nation building. You chose more to be centred upon personalities rather than build a Malaysian collective personality. Start now, with brand new and young leaders, capture hearts with common values, engage hearts and minds, and GE14 is all for you to win!
7. PR, GE14 is all for you to win. What will you do?

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