Saturday, April 20, 2013

Responsibility, Inability and Monergistic Grace by John Hendryx

The inability of pastors and preachers to understand the 'ordo salutis' - order of salvation is greatly the reason for the stagnancy of the church of Jesus Christ today. This simple article by John Hendryx is self-explanatory. If you have never seen it this way, join the wagon. The terrible teaching going forth today that we have a hand to play in our salvation is certainly a 'different gospel' Paul referred to in Galatians chapter 1.

See how pastors, preachers and evangelists continue to harangue people to 'make a decision for Christ', or to 'accept Christ', the bane of most evils in the church today. And because our works to make a decision for Christ, to accept Christ, or our faith in Christ lays the foundation, and not Christ alone, this continues in 'the Christian life', where people are harangued Sunday in and Sunday out, and in every other service to 'work out their salvation'! See how a little leaven leavens the whole lump!

May God deliver us from error-ridden teaching, and the Lord of the Harvest send us a Gospel-initiated and Gospel-sustained revival.

Responsibility, Inability and Monergistic Grace by John Hendryx:

'via Blog this'

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