From the President - Vol 18, Issue 4, 2013
4:03 PM (52 minutes ago)
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I read with interest Dr Tim Clinton's address, and ironically, he missed the point! Not once in his letter did he refer to the Gospel of Christ! Okay, maybe a possible reference to the gospel with his statement, 'My friend and Christian counseling leader, Dr Arch Hart, often wisely reminds me that Christian cousneling has dangerously run far ahead of our biblical and theological roots'.
Dr Clinton, do you believe the Gospel of Christ, in its width, length, depth and height, has ALL the resources sufficient to address 'raising up the Next Generation'?
How can they know and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd when all they began with was 'accepting Christ'?
The mainstream, independent, Charismatic, evangelical church has ingeniously de-constructed the entire Gospel, worldview and all, into this single catch-all phrase, 'accepting Christ!'.
Let me ask you something, Dr Clinton. When was the last time you heard the following in a sermon:
1. The order of salvation - which comes first? Regeneration or repentance?
2. Jn 1:12&13 - so who's responsible for salvation? Who wills salvation? I Pet 1:23.
3. Justified by faith through grace in Christ alone - the doctrine by which the church stands or fall, according to Luther.
4. Is sanctification by grace as well?
5. What is baptism? Water according to John, or according to Paul in Romans chapter 6?
See why our young people are leaving our churches? All we give to them via the pulpits is some moral message and behavior which they are then exhorted to keep and adhere through a multitude of techniques.
See why our young generation are refusing this 'different gospel'? (Gal 1:6ff). It reeks of works!
How will we empower them, apart from the core Gospel message of Christ's cross and resurrection? Is there something more than Christ's fully sufficient work at Calvary and His resurrection? Is Christian counseling offering the cross of Christ and His resurrection as the anti-dote to the selfish, and self-centered self?
How will the hurt be healed apart from Gal 2:20?
We are missing the point!
May God be merciful to us, and bring us to a Gospel-initiated and Gospel-sustained revival!
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