Friday, December 21, 2012

Bankrupt preachers and teachers of God's word

The pulpit from where God's word is purportedly preached and taught has often been marred by men and women who are bankrupt in the knowledge of God and His doctrines. In 1 Tim 4:16, the apostle Paul shares with Timothy, a church leader and preacher as well as teacher of God's word, "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." (KJV, esword).

How serious the admonition of Paul to Timothy, his 'own dear son in the true faith.'

But what do we hear from the pulpits today? A rehash of the preacher's old testimonies, and their own convoluted understanding of what God wants of His people today. Again, and again I observe this pattern repeated from the pulpits; the preacher commences with a word from the Scriptures (if this happens at all!), and then launches into their own interpretation, unguided by Scriptures own interpretation of itself. Thus the bankruptness of the preacher is then foisted upon the congregation. The 'width, length, depth and height of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge', is sadly way-laid, and laid waste, and instead, the poor congregation of saints in Christ Jesus (another often rare instance these days - saints in Christ Jesus I mean), are subjected to much nonsense coming out of a contaminated spring (Heb 12:15).

Amazingly, these very preachers often glory in their lack of training, either from the seminary or from some other structured and systematic experience of learning God's word.

The more I meditate upon the 'the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.'
(2 Cor 4:6), the more I am strengthened and deepened in the faith which comes through Christ, and which enables me, by the mediating power of the Spirit of Grace, to grow in faith in the knowledge of God. Isn't this the pattern which ought to be emulated by preachers and teachers of God's word, weekly, and even daily, whenever they have opportunity to share the 'very oracles of God'? (1 Pet 4:11).

But, unfortunately, or perhaps, prophetically, we already live in the days of which the apostle Paul spoke about in '2Tim 4:3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears'. And so here we seem to have a correlate. This correlate is when people turn away their ears from the truth (the truth of the Gospel - this is what the apostle always means when he refers to the truth. For him, the only truth was the truth contained in the person and works of the Lord Jesus Christ). And the cause the apostle attributes this turning away of the ears is 'their own lusts'. Here's where some interpreters miss the point if they think that the word mentioned here as 'lusts' is only about sexual excesses. The word in the Greek is ἐπιθυμία, epithumia, (ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah), from G1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden): - concupiscence, desire, lust (after) (Strong's concordance, esword). And the apostle Paul is saying that ANYTHING in our hearts with a longing which is more than that of the 'hart which pants after the brooks of living water' ( Psa 42:1), or apart from a longing after God, His kingdom and righteousness, is pure idolatry, and would eventually lead the hearer to hear what they want to hear, from preachers that satisfy their itching ears.

How crucial it is that the blessed doctrines of God are meditated upon with a heart which is constantly crying out to God for His mercies and grace in order to understand correctly His word. In order to 'hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches'. How crucial, and vital it is for preachers of God's word to 'abide in Christ, and to let the word of Christ dwell richly in them' so that by 'continue(ing) in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee."

May God who is rich in mercy give us a Gospel-initiated and Gospel-sustained revival of epic proportions!

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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